Sunday, February 6, 2011

For Your Pre-Game: My 8-Hour Radio Special on The 100 Best Records Evah

Back in '09 and '10, I was a DJ on a pirate radio station in San Francisco called FCC Free Radio.  They're now an online-only outlet, available at  My show was called "Freeform Purple", and I had great fun doing the two-hour weekly show on Friday afternoons (I actually constructed the shows Thursday nights and shot them into the broadcast server at 3 a.m., and the computer played them in the afternoon).

To celebrate my one-year anniversary at the station, I broadcast a special series of shows featuring my very personal selections for the 100 Best Records Evah.  It turned into quite a production, and ultimately took me four weeks, and eight hours to get all the way through.  Here, for the first time in one location, are all eight hours of the special, in order, playable in handy one-hour chunks.


DJ Junglebook    (AKA Mark G) 

Pirate Radio

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