Sunday, November 27, 2011

Backflipping Over the Fountains

Backflipping a motorbike over the fountains at Ceasar's Palace - it's Mike Metzger.


You can see videos of things like this at my tiny online TV station,, and you can read about my cool day job as a name consultant at

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Back with the Ribbons - a video set to "Our Cultural Mission" by Blue Movie +1

The video was shot as cb and I drove home from winning handfuls of ribbons at the Sonoma County Fair, mine for movies and hers for her beautiful colorful pictures.  She drove, I shot.

Ths music is a live recording of me singing with Blue Movie in 1988 (my vocals were "fortified" years later) at The Oasis, SOMA, SF, USA. You can read more about this song here: Our Cultural Mission

You can see lots more of my driving videos - and lots of other stuff! - on my tiny online TV station,, and you can read about my groovy day job as a name consultant at

Ride the Rail - straight down this Austrian rail-ride with no brakes!

A great four minute ride on a one-rail coaster down an Austrian mountain.

Worth hitting the full-screen button for!

Tip o' the hat to HuffPo.
See more coaster videos - and lots of other cool stuff - on my tiny online TV station,, and check out my groovy day job as a name consultant at

Cars can be Backflippers, too.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Colorful Pictures of the Lovely cbrownsf, set to "Rolling Blackouts"

My lovely wife cb is a terrific fine art photographer, and she creates beautiful, colorful pictures from her photographs of the city and country.  A few years back, I picked several of my favorites from among her pictures at that time, and set them to a little tune I'd written and recorded called "Rolling Blackouts".  I hope you like it!

You can see more of cb's pictures at her lovely website, - and you can see more of my music videos at my tiny online TV station, , and you can read more about my cool day job as a name consultant at

Monday, November 14, 2011

One of the Best Backflippers Ever - Kid backflips to avoid dodgeball!


See more cool videos like this on my tiny online TV station,, and read about my cool day job as a name consultant at

The Earth from Above - an awesome time-lapse vid

I know I steal lots of stuff from boing boing, but I just couldn't resist this one.  I think it's some of the coolest video ever. 

Low-Light Time Lapse from the International Space Station


To see other cool movies, check out my tiny online TV station,, and if you need some effective brand names for a new product, or would like to read about my cool day job as a name consultant, check out

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Busby Berkeley Meets The Matrix - Live!

Excellent street gang dance number, apparently in some traditional campus competition, evokes a grid of rhythmic Agent Smiths.  The only thing that keeps me from enjoying this completely is the sneaking suspicion that if I was in high school in whatever country this is, I'd totally be doing this stuff.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Blue Meanie Hits Geyserville

Two weeks ago, Geyserville, the tiny burg we call home, hosted its annual Fall Colors Celebration and Hot Rod Show.  Far and away the star of the show - in my eyes, anyway - for the short time it was on display - was this fabulous baby-blue Buick, with a big On/Off switch on the back, known as The Blue Meanie.  I clumsily deleted my pictures of the great German Gothic mirror-silver lettering along the side of the car, but my lovely wife cb got these great pics, showing the awesome rake of the thing, hunched up on its big rear wheels.  After sitting curbside for a short while, the driver got in and drove it off, and when he was a quarter-mile away at the edge of town, he gunned it, and it sounded like an Indy car as he disappeared in a puff of blue-grey smoke.  Was it a dream?  We may never see it again - it was for sale for ten grand.  


You can see some of my videos about previous years' Geyserville Fall Folors and Hot Rod Show on the "Mark's" channel of my tiny online TV station, , and you can find out about my cool day job as a name consultant at

Friday, November 4, 2011

Cops Ram Smuggler's Plane On Runway

Nope, it's not footage from a "Miami Vice" episode - it's actual dash-cam footage of some cops stopping a smuggler plane's getaway, the hard way.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Your Money Face

Show Me Your Money Face

I could do this one.  I just have to get my hands on a fifty!


Check out some of the links to the right there to see other weird stuff.  And see my day-job resume at

7 Billion People On Earth - Which One Are You? (I'm #3,070,917,691)

Calculate Your Birth Order - Among All 7 Billion Of Us


If you need a new corporate identity or product name that's one in a million (or even 1 in 7 billion), check out my day-job webpage:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Beefy Business Cards!

Not for your hungrier clients.

Business Cards Made of Meat!

Laser-printed on beef jerky - no kidding.


If you'd like to try some more traditional marketing methods - or maybe some even weirder ones - you'll still need a name.  Check out my day job - name consultant and freelance namer - at Mark Gunnion Names .com